
the meaning of temporary

So I was conversing with a good friend from my high school days (Anthony) the other night about the whole issue of what does God have for us next and what should we be doing related to that. I have wavered back and forth between "planning for the future" and wanting to just get in the car and drive with my eyes closed and see where I end up (probably the hospital). In any case it is a struggle because I feel like all of my plans have to be self-created since I don't feel God telling me "go here". But then if I just sit and wait I feel lazy and useless and anxious because I feel like life is passing me by. But I think the key thing is this. If we find ourselves at the point of being totally consumed with knowing and enjoying God and that creates in us the contentment we were meant to feel in him, then we will be walking by the Spirit in which case we will just know when and where we are supposed to go next. Now of course this is hard to do. And I think most of us suffer from the problem of being too consumed with what's going on with us and "how can God answer me with what I am supposed to do?" instead of just finding our satisfaction in Him. It's kind of like the better I know my wife the more I just know what she would want in certain situations - I don't have to ask her but often I do ask her as part of the relationship. Just be with God - seek Him and the answers will come.


At 8/22/2005 11:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

very nicely put!

At 8/22/2005 8:40 PM, Blogger jc said...

anonymous = the wife; so for those of you that wish to comment as "anonymous you are no longer allowed to. or else I'll think you're my wife. and that could lead to problems. and i prefer to steer clear of problems the way i do old people on the road in south florida (the bane of this place for 6 months every year - no one over 70 should be allowed to drive on the freeway - let em drink expensive wine in their condos on the beach instead)

At 8/23/2005 10:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you think I don't jive with your sense of humour--but that was hilarious
--the wife


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