

So I was reading today in Philipians (1:12-20) and I was both convicted and encouraged by something. I have found myself quite cynical lately about people using God and anything related to the gospel, God's story, for financial (or any other sort of) gain. But Paul here talks about those who preach the name of Christ for selfish motives versus those with good motives and says he rejoices in BOTH because the name of Christ is going out. Paul is focused on the glory of God and therefore is not concerned with the motives of those preaching it. Granted God sees motives and deals accordingly (in this life or in eternity) but it is not to be our primary concern. So basically I need to stop being cynical and pray that God gives me such a passion to see his name exalted that my life overflows with joy in him and is not distracted by the corruptness of others. Keep in ming this was also coming from a guy who was in prison and who many of these false motive people were trying to "distress".


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