
the new big mac

So I don't know what dementia I suffered from to make me look this up, but I did it and now I realize that this is next killer of America. I had one of these tonight - didn't think much of it; post dinner, hanging out with a friend - it's just a coffee right? oh, no my friend - you have officially given yourself another meal; one that offers you nothing of any nutritional value, an addiction to caffeine, and a complex of thinking that you're cool, trendy, and enlightened because you were sipping on a 21st century beverage in a quaint, little room with comfortable furniture and decorations that are anything but unique (how many starbuck's are there?) but took who knows how many hundreds of thousands of dollars or corporate america research to decide on with wireless internet where you can in a matter of seconds allow your mind to digest the gluttony that your body is having to deal with (and cursing you for) at that very minute. take a look at this and compare. i think they will a have a sequel to "Supersize me" and call it "Grande your Gut". you want fries with that?

ps - sorry about the massively long sentence that is probably a run-on, but I got too tired reading it to finish and determine whether it had proper punctuation - my caffeine rush must be wearing off.

we will justify anything

I came across this today - really just a humorous post for the most part, but it made me think a little bit. Apparently some tanker ship was damaged and ran aground on the beach in England spilling cargo - if you care about the details you can read the article. However, my interest was in some of these remarks:

Scavengers help themselves
Police patrolled Branscombe beach Monday trying -- with limited success -- to keep scavengers away from about 40 containers which had washed ashore.
"A couple of hundred people have been on the beach today, taking things away, and there were around the same number last night," said Constable Steve Spearitt.
"Around 15 BMW motorbikes were carried off the beach last night," he said.
Authorities warned that the scavengers were breaking the law.
"People should be able to be allowed to take what they like. It is clearing up the beach, and it is part of the beach culture," said one woman who carried away some carpet. She refused to give her name to reporters, but said she would report the find as the law requires.

Well at least the lady decided to comply, but seriously. Hey man some ship just had a bad day - let's make it worse for the owners by taking all their stuff. And we can even justify it by saying we're "clearing up the beach, and it is part of beach culture". What the heck is "beach culture"?!? Surf some waves and steal anything we can, I suppose. I mean if some guy walking down the street tripped and fell and dropped his wallet and money fell out, do I really think I could justify my grabbing whatever I could by saying "man you littered with your money - I cleaned it up for you but I'm keeping it as my service fee".

There is a slightly deeper point to all this though: our quest to constantly justify ourselves because we have to be considered "right" and "just" and "acceptable" in what we do by other people. The truth is, however, that we are not right ("There is none who is righteous, not even one") and nothing we do is acceptable before God who is the only one that matters. That brings us face to face with a desperate need for righteousness before God that is only accomplished in Jesus Christ and is only ours as a gift from him and by faith. Maybe you've heard this many times, but is sure helps to be reminded of it.


it's been a while

So here's an update since I haven't blogged on here in a while:

1 - I'm still in South Florida
2 - In early July Rhoda will be in extreme pain and squeezing out a little bundle of joy given to us by our heavenly Father
3 - I've been meeting with a neat group of people from our church here and trying to learn to live a little more like what Jesus has called us to and trying to "be the Church" - you can find a link to a blog for this group on the side - Back Porch Confessions
4 - I still work for FPL - I think this year is not going to be as interesting (or as busy) as the previous three have been
5 - I still am a roller coaster of spiritual, physical, and emotional conundrums that somehow that grace of God makes work so that I can keep getting up in the morning

That being said - if people are actually reading this I hope some of you will make some little comments every now and again so I know you're there. If so i will try to post somewhat more regularly, if not this will slip off into the giant oblivion that is the Google takover of the internet.
