
hello, long, lost blog

So I decided to come back to my old blog. This is a little like pulling the old, dusty, baseball glove out of the garage (which I don't have but I can imagine - the garage that is - the glove is in a plastic tub in the room we dub nursery/music room/ library/miscellaneous storage) and putting it on for a nice game of catch. It's fun for about half an hour, but then I've overthrown my arm which will be sore for a week and the glove goes back in the garage for another extended hibernation. Perhaps this will be different because I really would like to start writing again, but I make no promises that you will find anything consistent here. Honestly, I doubt the two people who used to read this blog even come here anymore so it doesn't matter.

So on to today's topic. Scripture Memory. This is something I have talked about doing for a long time, have attempted in various formats several times, have had minor success in the short run, no discipline to persevere, but I see so much value in it that I must pursue it. I believe it is something God desires for his children to do and therefore, I also believe that if I ask him that he will grant me the grace to push forward with it. So that is my prayer, knowing that in my attempts to succeed on my own I have failed, and that this must be his work and for his glory but my good.

In doing a little bit of looking on Desiring God I found a link to a very practical guide to scripture memory written by Andrew Davis who is the pastor of FBC Durham in North Carolina (never heard of it either, but I figure I need to cite my sources). He gives very detailed suggestions for memorizing entire books of the Bible and retaining it long term. In a sense it seems kind of daunting yet also doable at the same time. The thing that really intrigued me was the learning of chapter and verse numbers because this always troubled me when I used to do the college finals week style cram of chunks of scripture in the past. I would learn a whole group of verses and have all the context together, but later on if you asked me specific verse numbers I wouldn't know them which is not as good if you are wanting to quote them for some edification purpose. So this seems like a great approach and I plan on trying to start with 1 Peter at a rate of 6 verses per week ( 1 a day, 6 days a week). This should allow me to have the whole book in 18 weeks. So depending on the grace of God to do this for me I commit myself to this task.