
the Kingdom of God

Probably too bold of a title for this post if you assume I am going wrap it all up with a nice little bow on this blog, but clearly that is not going to happen. Basically that is the theme for this year's Disciple Now at my church here in Florida.

We're talking about how when Jesus talked about the Kingdom (lots of places in the gospels but we're focusing on Matthew - sermon on the mount, etc.) that he showed a Kingdom that was completely backwards from the way the world wanted it. Instead of getting revenge you give more to your enemies; instead of taking joy in your strength you are blessed when you are weak; instead of seeking wealth, get rid of everything that hinders you from finding the real treasure of Heaven.

We have a tendency to think that the Kingdom is only when Christ returns, but the way he describes it - we start living it now. The way of life in heaven is the way we seek to live here. Jesus prayed for it (Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven), and to really live it will not be accomplished on our own but will be the Holy Spirit living through us. How amazing would it be to start to see this happening.

Needless to say I'm pretty excited about discussing this with students. Hopefully Jesus will start royally screwing their life up the way he is starting to mine.

How Beautiful....